Five Situations A Gold Coast After Hours Doctor Can Help You With

Five Situations A Gold Coast After Hours Doctor Can Help You With

Five Situations A Gold Coast After Hours Doctor Can Help You With

When something goes wrong with your family’s health outside of standard business times it can be scary – luckily, there’s a good chance that a gold coast after hours doctor operates in your area. Today we’ll be exploring five situations they can help you with:

Slight Fever

If you’re running a slight temperature, a gold coast after hours doctor will be able to assess you and let you know whether your condition is reason for concern. They will also be able to help get to the bottom of the cause of your temperature and provide guidance on how to manage your symptoms and start feeling better sooner. At the end of their visit, your gold coast after hours doctor will let you know what to monitor for and how to address these symptoms if they arise. Pay close attention here to prevent a minor issue from turning into a major one.

General Sickness That Has Developed After Closing Time

If you’re feeling a bit unwell but were perfectly ok during the day, it can be tempting to simply wait until morning and try to get an appointment with your local clinic. While this is a perfectly fine strategy for those who aren’t feeling too unwell, if you’re experiencing dizziness, nausea or other symptoms that could point to a more serious concern, it’s always a good idea to give a gold coast after hours doctor a call just to get checked out.

Pain Management

If you’ve been dealing with pain for a bit and your current over the counter or prescription medication isn’t helping, a gold coast after hours doctor will be able to assess both your pain levels and the cause. This then allows them to either provide or prescribe pain medication that should be able to help you feel better under the current circumstances. In most cases, they will provide an initial dose if they have the medication with them and a prescription for further medication will be written if required.

Child Health Assessments

Gold Coast after hours doctor

If you’re worried about your little one, a gold coast after hours doctor can help. They’ll be happy to come out and assist even if there aren’t any significantly worrying symptoms present so don’t feel bad about making a call if your little one expresses that they feel off (or it seems like they may be experiencing a medical issue in the case of children who are too young to, or cannot, communicate).


Just remembered that you need a new script straight away but all the clinics around you have already closed? As long as there is a pharmacy open in your area, a gold coast after hours doctor can help you access the medication that you need. In some cases, they may also be able to provide emergency dispensing of certain medications, however this would depend on the prescription in question as well as your specific circumstances.

Situations In Which You Should Go To A Hospital:

While a gold coast after hours doctor can help with many ailments, there are some situations where you should skip this step and get straight to the emergency department. Chest pain, severe fever, shortness of breath and other life threatening complications require an urgent trip to a facility with appropriate equipment. If you call a gold coast after hours doctor, they will give this advice once you’ve told them your symptoms. Because of this, it’s best to skip straight to the bit where you receive the best care possible so get a lift from a family member or call 000 and request an ambulance if necessary. Additionally, any high fever in a child should be immediately addressed so if you’re unable to get a gold coast after hours doctor to your residence quickly, please report to your closest hospital.

Although these ailments are far from the only things a gold coast after hours doctor can help with, they are symptoms that are often overlooked or brushed off until the morning so we wanted to bring attention to them in this piece.

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